tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 03 16:26:24 1997

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KLBC: RE: Does this make sense?

jatlh SuStel:
> HumanvaD parmaq bISovchugh, yangagh.  batlh qorDu'lIj DawIv pagh batlhHa'
> novHom DawIv!
> It's really not too bad.  There are some obvious flaws.  "If you know love,"
> has "love" as the object, so you cannot use the {bI-} prefix.  You need the
> prefix {Da-}.

Oops!  Boy do I feel silly now... {{:-)

> Is the "knowing" of love done for the benefit of the human?  That's what
> {-vaD} indicates.  If you're talking about "human love" (which is not the same
> as plain old {parmaq}, probably), you might use {Human parmaq DaSovchugh}.
> Better yet, {Human parmaq Dayajchugh}.

I was trying to basically say, "If you love the human, then go <ahem!> him."  
However, we know that  {parmaq} is a noun, so I couldn't come up with a way to 
get around it.  I tried recasting it, and all I came up with was "If you know 
{parmaq} for the human, mate with him."  That's where my sentance came from.  
Isn't {-vaD} the correct way to create indirect objects such as this?  I may be 
a bit confused.  If you understand what I was trying to say, I would appreciate 
suggestions on how to say it.  I think that the use of "know" isn't really 
appropriate in this sense, now that you mention it.  Is there a word for 
"experience" or "feel" that I don't know about?

> Let's see: you've also phrased the second half of this as two statements:
> either you will do this or you will do that.  I'd have phrased this with at
> least one command.
> batlh qorDu'lIj DawIvbe'chugh, vaj batlhHa' novHomvam yIwIv!
> If you will not choose your family honorably, then choose this minor alien
> species dishonorably!

That makes sense and is closer to the original intent.  {qatlho'}!


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