tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 02 11:11:23 1997

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Re: ' between vowels

> On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, jatlh Donald E. Vick :
> > My name there is taDI'oS, just as in my sig.  Page me.
> 	I haven't seen this before in regular, day-to-day tlhIgnan Hol, so
> I'm thinking that this isn't a regular use of its structure, but how would
> I pronounce <taDI'oS>?  Would I look at it as <ta-DI'-oS> or <ta-DI-'oS>?
> If I'm not mistaken, the two *would* sound different.
     Well, it's more regular than having two nouns in a row.  This is a
simple vowel-consonant-vowel sequence.  It's not very common, true, but
it's not unheard of.  The only root I can think of offhand is <jabbI'ID>,
but any word ending in vowel-' followed by the -wI' suffix is about the
same as having it between two vowels.
> 	For the record taDI'oS, how do *you* say it?
     I don't usually.  I just type it.  I guess it would be <ta-DI-'oS>
though, that seems easier to say.

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'pu'vaD Holtej jIH
| Thaddaeus Vick, Linguist to the Masses |    [email protected]  -or-    |
|                                        |     [email protected]      |
| gules on a saltire argent voided azure |                           |
| thirteen mullets of the second. Yeeha. | |

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