tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 05 22:01:43 1997

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more on vegh

I've been following the discussion on vegh with interest.  I was there,
at the pronouncement, and have a few opinions of my own on how vegh can
and can't be used.

Lawrence wrote:
>The intention or purpose of the object one is
>passing through does not strike me as particularly critical. 

I agree!  ~mark's example of the Romulan phaser hole is great.

Lawrence wrote (and others have expressed similar opinoins):
>A more relevant aspect seems to be that the object is enclosed, as
>someone else has already noted.

I disagree here.  I would certainly use {vegh} to describe passing
through an open gate in a short fence.

~mark wrote:
>TO me, this business of focussing on touching matter or not
>touching matter is splitting hairs

I agree.  If a tall Klingon bumps his head on the top of the door as he
passes "through", does that mean that you can't use the word {vegh} for

I feel that ~mark's use of the words "opening" and "aperture" are very
appropriate.  When one passes through a forest, a field, or space, one
does not pass through a specific opening/aperture, even if one follows a
trail.  Even the path between two rows of warriors does not seem to
really be a specific openeing/aperture, just a path between two rows of

Now, here's a question for debate.  I think that when walking "through"
the halls and chambers of a ship I would expect to hear the tlhIngan
word used for forests etc.  What do you think?

janSIy, vajpu' quv qamQel

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