tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 29 22:44:29 1997

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Re: SopDaq

In a message dated 97-04-29 12:15:33 EDT, Qunchuy writes:

 SachnISbe' tlhIngan Hol.
 batlh maqonmeH 'ej maQumchu'meH yapbej.
 mu'tlheghmey'e' lo'pu'bogh "Marc Okrand" neH wIlo'nISbe'ba'.
 'ach mayajchuq wIneHchugh mu'Daj pabDaj je wIlo'nIS.
 qatlh SachnIS Hol?
 meqlIj vIyajbe'.
 Huvbe' leghlaw'ghachlIj. >>

SachnIS Hoch tlhIngan wo' 'ej tlhIngan Hol ngaS wanI'vam qar'a'
jatlh TKW p11   mataHmeH maSachnIS

jatlh TKW p27     DujlIj yIvoq

Through college I studied language and language arts and linguistics.  My
professors taught me to look at usages and parts of words to help understand
"beyond the words themselves."  However, in tlhIngan Hol we do not know
enough about the ancient Klingon language to extract parts of words (KLI's
agreement).  I am a KLI member.

TKW p209     wa' Dol nIvDaq matay'DI' maQap

maSuvchuqbe'nIS 'ach maboQchuqnIS

Finally, ALL my professors, both in Taiwan and in San Francisco, pointed out
repeatedly that language is a mirror of culture.  To know well a culture we
study the words and their usage.  To know well a language we study also the
culture.  If we do not claim that all extant knowledge of tlhIngan Hol is the
extent of what we can know about Klingon culture, SachnISbej tlhIngan Hol

TKD p9 states (MO himself) "This dictionary represents the initial results of
that effort." The effort alluded to is a study undertaken to record and
analyze the language and culture of the Klingons.

<<>> p9  "Because research is not yet completed, this dictionary is of
necessity somewhat limited in scope.  There are certainly more Klingon words
than those listed here."  p10  "words... ...unrepresented:  scientific
terminology; words for native tools, customs, flora, and fauna; and
vocabulary dealing with food."  "As more data are gathered the list of words
will undoubtedly grow."

I am looking forward to MO's continued "gathering of the data," and revealing
those words to us.


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