tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 20 23:14:45 1997

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RE: About QongDaq, and Introducing Myself

From: 	[email protected] on behalf of Rolando Coto
Sent: 	Sunday, April 20, 1997 10:16 PM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	About QongDaq, and Introducing Myself

> Maybe QongDaq can be split into the verb Qong "to sleep", and -Daq 
> "at".
> So, the term would come something like "the place where the act of 
> sleeping
> takes place", "the place where one sleeps", "the place at which sleeping
> happens". And, that place, the place in which we sleep, happens to have 
> a
> name, a one word translation in english, "bed". Am I right?

No.  That's what this whole discussion has been about.  Some people want 
{QongDaq} to be a verb with the noun {-Daq} suffix.  {-Daq} is ONLY a noun 
suffix, and cannot be put on verbs, unless they are qualitative verbs 
following a noun, which is an entirely different matter.  Others want {Qong} 
to be some noun which we have no mention of, then add either the noun {Daq} or 
the suffix {-Daq} to it.  This is also not correct.  The correct answer is 
that {QongDaq}, the whole thing, is one noun, and that's that.  Until we learn 
more about the word from Okrand (and I don't see why he'd spend much time on a 
word which Klingons don't really care much about anyway), we cannot say more.

> Well, my name's Rolando Coto, and I'm from San Jose, Costa Rica, > and, as
> far as I know, I'm the first person ever from Costa Rica who has studied
> tlhIngan Hol (if I'm wrong and someone of you guys out there know a
> costarrican who speaks Klingon, TELL ME!!!). Most of the people tell me 
> I'm
> nuts, completely out of my mind for "wasting time" in Klingon. But, I love
> it!, I speak spanish, english, and japanese, and with the exception of
> spanish, Klingon is the best of them all! I'm 16 years old, and I'm really
> anxious for really learning Klingon. That's all I have to say by know.
> Gracias! Nice to meet you all!

I'm SuStel, the list's Beginners' Grammarian.  My job is to help out beginners 
like yourself in learning Klingon.  If you have any questions, or would just 
like to converse with others on a beginning level, just add the letters "KLBC" 
to the beginning of the subject line of your post.  This will flag the message 
as a priority for me, and also tells others not to go correcting anyone's 
grammar until the BG has had a go at it.  This keeps confusion down to a 

Some useful web sites, in case you haven't visited them yet:

The Klingon Language Institute:

This list's FAQ:

And don't worry: all of us are considered weird for our love of Klingon!


Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 97303.9

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