tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 01 05:35:33 1997

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"'ay'DIS tuj botlhDaq najlu'"vo' translation

	qoror here.  I've translated a bit of text from A Midsummer Night's
Dream, or, as the subject line states, "'ay'DIS tuj botlhDaq najlu'."  I've been
pretty careful with it, although I know "'ay'DIS" isn't a word.  But it was the
best I could come up with for "season."  Is there a better word for it somewhere
else?  HIja'neS!
	Anyway, here it is.  I haven't changed the names; I'll leave that to the
people whose job it is to transplant the play into Klingon culture when MN'sD
comes around to the KSRP.

narghtaHvIS lomqa'meyHeyvam,		If we shadows have offended,
naDev SuQongpu' neH 'e' boQubDI',		Think but this, and all is
lughqa' Hoch, mamawpu'chugh 			That you have but slumbered here
QIbmey maHbogh neH.			While these visions did appear.
'ej wa'nImeyvam bonajpu' neH,			And this weak and idle theme,
vaj tImevmoHQo'.				No more yielding but a dream.
SuvwI'pu', ghonaDHa'Qo',			Gentles, do not reprehend,
wItI' reHupbe'chugh.				If you pardon, we will mend.
*Puck* yuDHa' jIHmo',			And, as I'm an honest Puck,
maDo'choHchugh,				If we have unearned luck,
vaj Qotlh nujvo' manarghlaH,			Now to 'scape the serpent's
tugh ghu' wItI',				We will make amends ere long,
qaSbe' chugh, nepwI' ghaHba' *Puck*'e':		Else the Puck a liar
vaj QaQjaj ramraj,				So, good night unto you all,
juppu' maHchugh qIHjaj ghopDu'maj,		Give me your hands, if we be
'ej ghu' tI' *Robin.*				And Robin shall restore amends.

	nuq boQub?

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