tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 24 17:46:48 1996

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Re: CK & PK scripts

[email protected] writes:
>When I consider it, I personally believe that "Conversational Klingon" is
>supposed to
>be an audio version of "The Klingon Dictionary"....

Well, it does describe itself as an "audio adaptation" of TKD, but I
think that has something to do with the rights to the cover art.  Its
contents are certainly not at all similar to the paper version.

>What I don't understand is why the manuscripts for the audio cassettes
>didn't exist
>FIRST.  You would think that a "book on tape"  would HAVE a corresponding
>This is really scary.  Are we heading towards a world without books?  Will
>all literature
>one day be available only in the audio media?

CK and PK aren't "books on tape", they are audio productions from the very
beginning.  You wouldn't insist that movies be made available as printed
books first, would you?  Many episodes of "The Twilight Zone" wouldn't make
sense to me in book form, and the radio play "Sorry, wrong number" is much
less exciting as a short story.

>But I digress.  Seriously, what can we do to let Pocket Books know that
>there is (and
>how much) demand for a printed version of this tape?

*Is* there a demand for a printed version?  I certainly don't need to buy
one; in fact, I get much more out of transcribing it myself than I might by
reading the script.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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