tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 13 12:06:22 1996

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RE: nabwIj - tlhIngan wo' batlh (&KLBC)

~mark wrote:

>It's more than a cultural thing, though.  It's a matter of idiom.  "You
>see," is a uniquely English thing to say.  If I were to say in
>conversational Hebrew "atah ro'eh... (at ro'ah...)" in that sense, my
>interlocutor would look around mystified... what am I supposed to be
>seeing? (that right, Doq?) 

Right! ghunchu'wI' has suggested some variation on "Understood" in this 
context, and that would be the expression of choice in Hebrew, too. 
"Heyvanta... (heyvant)" spoke not so much as a question, but as a demand. 
Same goes for Yiddish, as far as I know.

I'm trying to put together a *very* short paragraph for KLBC, but am missing 
one word--how would I say vermin/insect/rodent? The closest I find in TKD is 
Denebian slime devil, but I really want the more specific term if available.


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