tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 12 13:53:20 1996

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Re: CK & PK scripts

Dancat writes:
>At the moment I'm working on writing the
>manuscript of CK in tlhIngan-Hol to Federation Standard. 
>As soon as I'm finished I'll post it in the newsgroup 
>alt.startrek.klingon. And I'll CC you a copy.

Thanks for the offer, but before you finish, I would suggest you stop.
 Writting the manuscript for yourself is fine.  But distributing it is a
federal offense (violation of copyright laws).  Ofcourse, everyone has done
something in their life that might have broken copyright law wether they were
conscious of it or not.  If you were conscious of it, you'd probably say "Who
cares" or "Who has to know".  However, this deprives the rightful distributor
of the product of his/her deserved income.  Right now, youmight be saying
"Yeah whatever" but it wont be very nice if it's done to you.  Now, as far as
placing it on the net, you risk infinetly more risk of being...let's say:

Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to see any of you guys in deep


-Thiago Miranda

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