tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 29 20:48:26 1996

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Re: lut tlhaQ: nuq qab law' Dochvam qab puS?

At 03:49 AM 2/29/96 -0800, you wrote:
>meghlIjDaq yIH Datu' nuq qab law' 'e' qab puS?
>meghlIjDaq yIH bID Datu' 'e' qab law' Dochvetlh qab puS.

I love the joke, but hate the grammar. In the first place, we don't know how
to make a comparative question, since it combines the syntax of a question
(which is a normal Klingon sentence) with a comparative (which is not
remotely like a normal Klingon sentence). We can't even be sure what the
word order would be. If we try it, we need to go for the simplest
combination we can, so:

meghlIjDaq yIH tu'lu'chugh qabba' ghu'. nuq qab law' ghu'vam qab puS?

meghlIjDaq yIH bID tu'lu'chugh qabqu'bej ghu'.

yIHmey vItIvqu'... qa'vInwIj tujqu'Daq

>SuHaghchugh vaj SuHegh

taywIj 'oH 'ej jIHagh jIneHchugh...



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