tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 28 19:18:11 1996

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Re: KLBC:Commants on my sentances.

<-neS> vIyajbe'ba'.  boQIjmo' Satlho'.  DaH vIyajbej 'e' vIHar.
taghwI' vIqeSHa' 'e' vIpay 'ej HochvaD jItlhIj.

It seems that I didn't understand the verb suffix {-neS} at all.
Thanks, all, for explaining it.  I'm sure I understand it now.
I regret having given a beginner bad advice, and I apologize.

reH ghojtaH ghojwI' ghojmoHwI' je.

Teachers, as well as students, always keep learning.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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