tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 20 11:38:56 1996

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HAMLET (and other news)

I spent some time on the phone this morning with the people in Michigan who will
be printing and binding Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (the restored Klingon 
version).  There had been some sudden, painful, and very expensive snags, but 
they've all been worked out now and I can't begin to describe how much better I 
feel now that's all over.

So, barring any further complications, I should be accepting shipment of the 
finished books toward the end of March.  The only complications that I can see 
at this point is that the printers screw something up, and this company comes to
me very highly recommended by a long time friend who in past years has run his 
own small press and published several books quite successfully.

The timetable at present looks like this: in about three weeks I will receive a 
proofing copy of loose signatures (that's book lingo) that make up Hamlet.  I'll
go over them carefully and quickly.  If there are no errors (and your prayers 
for this are certainly welcome) I will make a phone call and tell them to begin 
binding.  Within a couple of weeks later I should have a delivery truck pulling 
up to my door with cartons and cartons of books.  While waiting for that to 
happen I will be preparing the mailers for all of you who have ordered advance 
copies.  In this way, those people whose support of this project should be 
getting their copies very soon after I open the first carton of books.

Okay, for those of you who haven't already purchased a copy of Hamlet (or two or
three!) it's not too late.  I have ordered a thousand copies printed, each one 
numbered (from one to one thousand, no less!) and only about one hundred fifty 
have already been sold.  If you'd like to buy one, the price is now $18.00, plus
$2.00 for shipping and handling (i.e., stamps and envelopes) each.  If you're 
outside the USA, add an additional $3.00 for overseas postage.  If you live in 
the state of Pennsylvania, please include an extra six percent for sales tax 
(that's to keep the government off our backs).

The KLI will soon be able to accept credit cards (well, VISA and MasterCard 
anyway) for payment.  How soon is still up in the air, but I believe it will be 
within the next two or three weeks.  There will be an announcement on this list 
(so you can all order all those HolQeD back issues you've been wanting) at that 
time.  Also, look for a some changes on the web site soon.  We have applied for 
a business license in Pennsylvania, and will soon expand our sales of books and 
tapes to include domestic sales as well as foreign.  Our we site will soon have 
a Merchant page where you can order backissues of HolQeD, jatmey, TKD, CK, PK, 
and fine Klingon products.  With luck we'll be carrying Okrand's new book of 
proverbs, as well as the new CD-ROM, and passing along discounts on these things
to KLI members.

In closing, let me once again thank all of you who have waited so patiently and 
graciously for Hamlet.  It has been a very long, an overlong, time in coming, 
but I believe when you see the completed work and hold a copy in your hands, 
you'll agree it was worth the wait.


:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   :: The KLI is a nonprofit ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   :: tax exempt corporation ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA :: DaH HuchlIj'e' ghonob  ::
::  [email protected]  ::  [email protected]  :::  215/836-4955  ::

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