tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 20 05:05:40 1996

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New Cannon via "Sons of Mogh"

 uu> From: "la'Hom qorDayt" <ur-valhalla!!geiselmank>
 uu> Subject: New Cannon via "Sons of Mogh"
 uu> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
 uu> Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 14:24:01 -0800

 uu> In watching the re-broadcast of "Sons of Mogh" last night, and
 uu> discovering that my television did indeed have a Closed-Captioning
 uu> setting, I found the name of the short Weapon that Worf is now fond of.
 uu> They call it a mek'leth.

 uu> Too bad it doesn't mean anything.  At least they tried with batlh'etlh
 uu> (which, unpronouncable by the actors, became bat'telh in the ST
 uu> Encyclopedia, which, still unpronouncable, they keep pronouncing
 uu> bat'leth.)

I have heard, through unconfirmable sources, that the weapon originated with a
fan (possibly a KAG member) and was given to Michael Dorn as a gift.  Dorn got
TPTB to make use of it.  Again, this is something I heard.

| Lieutenant Commander Qob vestai-qutvaj                     |          |
| Commanding Officer, Imperial Klingon Vessel Crystal Dagger |  NOR     |
| Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG |  QUAD    |
| Member of the Klingon Language Institute Since 1993        |  ROCKS   |
|                                                                       |
|     Moderator, KAG Echo      Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701     |

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