tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Feb 17 09:56:08 1996

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Re: KLBC: poHmey

ter'eS asks:
>How does one tell time in Klingon?

~mark answers:
>I've been known to use "rep 'ar?" elliptically like that, though without
>much support.  Seems pretty reasonable though.  What do you think?

I agree, it sounds reasonable.  But it's only a theory, completely
unsupported by canon.  I hesitate to embrace something merely because
it *seems* right.  On the plus side, {X 'ar} is answered with {N X},
where X is a noun and N is a number; this seems to fit time-of-day
constructions.  On the minus side, {wa'maH rep} is a time stamp, not
a subject or object of a sentence.  One wouldn't ask {rep 'ar tu'lu'}
to find out what time it is; the answer of {wa'maH rep tu'lu'} isn't
what one wants to hear.

nejwI' writes:
>I'd prefer {rep nuq} myself.

I think this is marginally better than {rep 'ar}.  The real question
is which hour is occurring right now; that gets into the problem of
how to say "which".  It might be {qaSlI' rep nuq}, or it might not.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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