tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Feb 16 14:04:04 1996

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Re: KLBC: qatlh jIH

[Stuff about the grammatical usage of jIH deleted because hopefully this posting
will make all that moot]

Given the English phrase you're working from, you could do better with a 
slightly longer phrase. Try this on for size:

     qatlh jIbechnIS?

It means "Why must I suffer?," and that's what "Why me?" really means. Sure, 
it's two syllables longer than your original post, but it's less ambiguous, easy
to say (except for that first word), and besides, four syllables is still a good
savings on many other sayings.

As an alternative, if the pain is brought on by other people, try this:

     qatlh qoHpu'vam jIcherghnIS?

It means "Why must I tolerate these fools?"

Hope this brightens your day...

-- David Wood, Freelance Computer Consultant
("Freelance" is just a cheesy way of saying "Irregularly Employed")

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