tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 15 21:04:56 1996

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Spin Control

jIghItlhHa'pu'! chaq latlh vI'oy'moHpu' je.

I have written poorly and probably have unnecessarily and
unintentionally bruised feelings, so let me try to explain
better. I am highly supportive of KLI, HolQeD, Lawrence, David
and Krankor (and others -- these are just the most probably

My personal history attempting to write articles for HolQeD
forms a comedy of errors with such consistency that I feel
trapped by Fate to continue to fail every time I try. Like a
Klingonian Sissyphus, I am drawn to push the boulder to the top
of the hill only to have it roll back down. Articles by me for
HolQeD clearly were just not meant to happen.

First I write a bad article which is fortunately rejected. I
change topics and write a bad draft of a good article. I then
send in a good draft and the bad draft gets published. In the
same issue, Krankor addresses my errors, and letters in the
next two subsequent issues do the same. I then try to make sure
that I only send one final draft of my NEXT article, so I write
it here to get feedback from others, and the fact that everyone
has seen it disqualifies it from publication. wejpuH.

naDev ngeDqu' Qu'. pa' jIHvaD neH DuHHa'law' Qu'. naDev
jIvallaw'.  pa' jIQIpbej. vaj naDev jIratlh. pa' vIghoSbe'.

muQIpmoHlaw'chugh Daq vaj Daqvetlh vItIvbe'ba'. HaghlaHbogh qoH
jIHbe' HeghtaHvIS batlhwIj.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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