tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 07 18:50:29 1996

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Re: KLBC - subordinate clauses

charghwI' suggests:
>nIteb jIHegh vIneHbe'.

I considered {nIteb} and rejected it because it seems to refer to
"doing" something on one's own.  I have a feeling that the above
sentence could be interpreted as a desire to have others' help in
dying, and not merely as a desire to have others nearby.

>...and ghunchu'wI' made a little error relating to the
>special nature of the verb {neH}. Most verbs used this way
>require the pronoun {'e'} to represent the first sentence as
>the object of the second sentence. Verbs of speech and {neH} do
>not require (and probably don't really tolerate) the pronoun
>{'e'}. The corrected version of ghunchu'wI''s message is:
>jImobtaHvIS jIHegh vIneHbe'.

Qu'vatlh.  jabbI'IDwIj DalughmoHmo' qatlho'neS.
Oops!  Thank you for correcting my error, sir.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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