tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 27 20:06:02 1996

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Paramount Hol

Well, guys, for a few weeks now I had been toying around with the idea of 
collecting all of that so-called "Paramount Hol" that has been used on 
the Trek shows over the years.  I've got a version of words, phrases, 
and definitions up at my web site that I would say is probably nearly 
complete.  I'm in the process of going through my taped episodes for more 
information (just got done with "Blood Oath" ... ugh!).  If anybody has 
any interest in seeing what sort of vocabulary exists from a 
non-Okrandian source, go to:

I know most of you don't even give Paramount's (admittedly sometimes 
questionable) use of {tlhIngan Hol} ay credit at all, but I would just 
like to let everybody know that I've got it catalogued none-the-less.  I 
do advise any beginners to *never* use anything they may see there when 
on this list.  Although I somewhat agree with the idea that Paramount Hol 
has some validity, I am *very* carful to make the distinction between it 
and the real, canon {tlhIngan Hol} when it comes to the Klingon-speaking 

In any case, check my page out.  Sometimes this stuff is fun, even if you 
just want to make fun of how poorly the writer's "researched" for the 
episodes! :-)  If you check it out and have any comments or questions, 
please E-Mail me.


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