tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 27 00:10:51 1996

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Re: Klingon CD-Rom

In a message dated 96-12-26 10:36:57 EST, ~mark writes:

<< >In English I can say: The World Cup Final Match. 
 >In Portuguese I say:  O Jogo Final da Copa do Mundo. 
 >Except for the article "The" = "O", the rest of the sentence is totality 
 >inverse and I have to use 2 prepositions "da" and "do". How can I say it 
 >in Klingon?
 There probably isn't a simple translation, but let's look at the
 structure.  One way to look at this is "world's cup's final match".
 Klingon uses the noun-noun construction for "X's Y": it would come out as
 "world cup (match final)" (I put parens around the last noun-phrase).  Of
 course, "world cup" has a very special meaning; I doubt "'u' HIvje'"
 (universe's glass) would mean the same to a Klingon.

I am jumping in with both feet here to attempt translating World Cup Final

pupmoQ (soccer) wo' tevvaD 'ov Qav

Yes, I added a self-made word for soccer in order to show that I would
specify what form of competition was going to take place for the {wo' tev}.
 If, as in English and Portuguese, Klingons would understand what form of
competition was upcoming, I could just as easily leave out {pupmoQ}.  After
all, in that we don't actually have a word for soccer, {pupmoQ} may arguably
mean football, kickball, etc.

Anyway, good luck with practicing tlhIngan Hol.


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