tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 26 13:32:02 1996

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Re: To many identical words. Please comment

At 21:29 25/12/96 -0800, you wrote:
}I don't recall the name for it (it doesn't matter anyways). But it seems to
}me that there are too many words spelled (sounds) just alike.

When looking through the dictionary it is amusing to see words that have
multiple diverse meanings, but I wouldn't say there are too many. 

The proof is in the pudding.  When listening to or reading the language, I
sometimes have trouble remembering what the words mean or hearing them
correctly, but figuring out which word is acting as which part of speech
isn't a problem more than it is in any other language. 

There was a plane crash near here a few winters ago when the tower told the
snowplow operator to "clear runway 27," so he tried to, and the plane
crashed into the snowplow.  I'm sure Klingons have their share of similar
Qov               [email protected]            tlhIngan Hol ghojwI'

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