tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 25 18:48:44 1996

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Re: ST5 transcript

|> Let me know if you want to do this and I'll post my version of the
|> transcript to get the text into everyone's e-mailer as a starting point.
|Sure, I'm game.

As promised, here's my current version; my version is given first and
alternate readings are in <angle brackets>: 

                      STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER

The translations in parentheses are the (subtitles) as they appear in the
movie followed by the [closed captions] in brackets, which was helpful in
places where there were no subtitles. Angle brackets indicate some
<uncertainties> in the transcription due to muttered dialogue, background
music or sound effects. I have also added excerpts from J.M. Dillard's
novelization which may reflect an earlier version of David Loughery's
screenplay (story by William Shatner, Harve Bennett and David Loughery) 
used by Dillard in her adaptation. 
Vixis: tlha' HoD, DoS wIpuSta'
        (Captain Klaa, we have a target in sight.)
       nejwI' tIQ 'oH
        (A probe of ancient origin.)
Klaa:  qIpmeH Qatlh'a'
        (Difficult to hit?)
Vixis  Qatlhqu'
        (Most difficult.)
Klaa:  maj
       vISeHmeH Hoch nuHmey Qay
        (All weapons to my control. Scope!)
       vaj toDuj Daj ngeHbej DI vI'
        (Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle."
        [lit. "Sharpshooting of the cosmos' litter inconclusively tests a
        warrior's courage." This is Okrand's back-fit of a dittography in
        the script which was accidentally filmed.]
       muSuvqu' DoS vIpoQ                                          (?)
        (I need a target that fights back.)
Vixis: HoD, <yo' SeHyaH nIvvo'> potlh De' wIHevtaH                 (?)
        (Captain, new data, hostages on Nimbus III.)             [sic]
        This subtitle is clearly NOT the line she's saying here!
        ["Captain, we are receiving a priority message from Operations
        Command." (from novel)]
Krell: ... tlhIngan'e', tera'ngan'e', romuluSngan'e'
        [... a Klingon, a Terran, a Romulan.]            (untranslated)
Vixis: tlhIngan ghaH wa' vub'e'
        (One of the hostages is a Klingon.)
Klaa:  latlh
        (And the others?)
Vixis: wa' tera'ngan je wa' romuluSngan
        (A Terran and a Romulan.)
Klaa:  vaj toDDujDaj ngeHbej DIvI'
        (That means the Federation will be sending a rescue ship of it's
       nImbuS wej maghoS. He yInab
        (Plot course for Nimbus III.)
        [lit. "We're going to Nimbus III. Plot a course!"]
       reH DIvI' Duj vISuv vIneH
        (I've always wanted to engage a Federation ship.)
Vixis: nImbuS wejDaq 'ejDo' 'entepray' ngeHlu'pu'
        (The starship Enterprise has been dispatched to Nimbus III.)
Klaa:  'entepray''a'
       qerq Duj 'oH
        (That's Kirk's ship!)
       qerq vIjeylaHchugh...
        (If I could defeat Kirk...)
Vixis: qIbDaq SuvwI' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS
        (You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy.)
        ["You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy," Vixis breathed.
         (from novel)]
        <qIbDaq SuvwI''e' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS>               (?)
Klaa:  nom yIghoSqu'
        (Maximum speed.)

Vixis: chorghSaD qelI'qam HIvchuq 'e' vInoH
        (Estimating attack range in 8,000 kellicams.)
        HIv chuq may be two words.
Klaa:  HoS <bIrIHbeH>, cha'maH vagh vatlhvI' Hong QIt yIghoS      (??)
       <HoSbe' rebegh>,    "    "      "      "    "    "      (heard)
        (Stealth approach, slow to one quarter impulse power.)
        I have no idea what the first clause is!
Klaa:  yISo'rup
        (Prepare to cloak.)
       So'wI' yIchu'
        (Engage cloaking device.)

Klaa:  qerq
       DujHomDaq ghaHtaH
        (He's on the shuttlecraft!)
       HIvHe yIchoHmoH
        (Alter the attack course!)
        HIv He may be two words.
Klaa:  yISo'Ha'rup yIghuS
        (Stand by to de-cloak for firing.)

Klaa:  'entepray' yIghoS
        (Bear on Enterprise.)
Vixis: 'entepray' 'oH DoS'e'
        (Enterprise targeted!)
Klaa:  jIbaH
Klaa:  HeDaj yIqIm
        (Track her course!)
        (He's good.)
Klaa:  He pagh pagh pagh DoD cha' yInab
        (Plot course zero-zero-zero, mark two.)
Vixis: 'ach HoD, Hevetlh wIghoSchugh veH tIn wI'el maH'e'
        (But Captain, that course will take us into the Barrier as well.)
Klaa:  qerq wItlha'taHqu'
        (Where Kirk goes, we follow.)
Guard1: HIghoS    |
Guard2: Ha'       |
        [grabbing Kirk in Okrona's transporter room]    (untranslated)
Korrd: yIjatlh
        [Tell him!]                                     (untranslated)
       maj.  'ej...
        (Good.  [And...?])                              (untranslated)

taghjaj Qujmey!

-- Voragh

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