tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 23 13:52:39 1996

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Well, I'm trying to gather all the stuff I can 
to put up some kind of medical reference guide 
to Klingon anatomy, diseases, treatments 
and things like that.

I'll write in Klingon... }}};-]

So, if any of you have anything that could help me,
please, mailme with anything you want - Attached, please.

It can be from pictures of Worf paralized, wounded Klingons,
Klingon skeletons, Klingon blood, etc., to any kind of text
you can have about this.
And, if you want a copy of it, just let me know.

My address is: [email protected]
(For those who can't get it from the msg!)

Any help is welcomed!

Thanks in advance!

tlhIngan wo' yo' HoD qeylIS. (aka Lobo_109, aka Ordaz)

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