tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 12:09:49 1996

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Re: latlh latlhmey joq

SuSvaj wrote:
}ghItlh ghunchu'wI
}> I don't like trying to use {latlh} to say "another [something]".
}> That would make it act like an adjectival verb, and it probably
}> would have to follow the noun. 
}I might be reaching a little here, but does this mean that
}*tlhInganpu' latlh* or *tlhInganpu' latlhpu' * would be acceptable for
}"Other Klingons?"


As ghunchu'wI' said, latlh is a noun meaning "another one," not a verb meaning "be 
additional" -- at least as far as we know.  The noun-noun construct 
<tlhInganpu' latlh> seems to mean "The Klingons' additional one"  
<cha' Dujmey ghaj tlhInganpu'. Dujvam mach law' tlhInganpu' latlh 
mach puS.>  "The Klingons have two ships.  This ship is smaller 
than the Klingons' other one." <tlhInganpu' latlhpu'> perhaps refers 
to Kruge and Korax's other friends, or additional servants, or other 
prisoners, Klingon or otherwise. 

One way to say "other Klingons," is to set up the context so you can simply say 
"other ones" and have it clear what other ones you are talking about. 

He is bigger than the other Klingons.
tlhInganpu' luqellu'DI', ghaH tIn law' latlhpu' tIn puS.

Heh.  And Klingon can boldly go places English has to struggle.
ngemvo' qetDI' wej targh, bIH SuvchoH loDHompu'.  HoHpa' loDHom, loDHom 
nItlh chop 'ej chev wa' targh. rIQbe' latlhDu'. rIQ latlhpu'.  
rIQqu' latlhmey 'ej yavDaq pum.

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