tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 19:57:42 1996

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RE: KLBC: yIn Kirk !!!

December 16, 1996 7:15 AM, jatlh Mago:

> mIchvamDaq *Star Trek Fan - related* Qumghach {I mean "communication" by 
nominalizing Qum, is it right?} vIngeH 'e' lugh 'e' vISovbe'
> I repeat tha above for better understanding:
> mIchvamDaq *ST fan-related* Qumghach vIngeH 'e' lugh 'e' vISovbe'
> (I mean "I don't know if it's right to send Star Trek Fan - related mails to 
this section"... BTW, if it isn't please let me know and I'll send no more! 

See my previous post on using {-ghach} without an intervening suffix.  
Actually, I'll bet this is in the FAQ . . . Hmmm . . . I don't see it . . .

The mailing list is not a "sector," so do not use the word {mIch}.  The 
typical word we use is {jabbI'IDghom} "transmission-group."

If you're having trouble with something complex like "I don't know if it's 
right to, . . ." you probably need to break this into multiple sentences.  
There's no reason you need to turn one English sentence into exactly one 
Klingon sentence!

jabbI'IDghomvamvaD "Star Trek" buSbogh jabbI'IDmey'e' vIlablaH'a'?
Can I send Star Trek-related mail to this mailing list?
(Literally, "Can I transmit data transmissions which focus on Star Trek to 
this data transmission-group?")

My answer:

HIja'.  'ach tlhIngan Hol DajatlhnISqu'!
Yes, but you absolutely must talk about it in Klingon!

> (another question... to say "I don't know if it's right" should I say
> lugh 'e' vISovbe'

This is a statement in English, but it's a pretty wishy-washy thing to say.  
If a Klingon doesn't know something and wants to, he asks:


> yIntaH Kirk jalth jupwI' (a friend of mine says that Kirk is still alive)

Dajqu' ghu'.  "Nexus"-Daq yIntaH "Kirk", 'ach "Veridian" wejDaq Heghbej 

> nexusDaq Haw'pu' Kirk 'e' teHlu' (It is true that Kirk fleed from the nexus)

What's the "it" in this sentence?  There really isn't one.  You're trying to 
use the first sentence as the subject of the second, and you cannot do this.  
Besides, this is another wishy-washy thing to say.  Just say

"Nexus"-vo' Haw'pu' "Kirk"?
Had Kirk fled the Nexus?

Notice that I used {-vo'} instead of {-Daq}.  The action of fleeing is going 
away from the noun, Nexus.

> 'ach nexusDaq quq Hoch 'ej hechbe' poH (but inside the nexus everything 
>simultaneously and time has no meaning)

{Hech} doesn't mean "mean" as I've just used it or as you have.  It means 
"intend to."  The object should the action which you intend to do.  If you 
cannot translate back to English with the words "intend to," you have probably 
used this word incorrectly.

You might say {Daq 'oH poH'e'} or {lI'be' poH}.

> nexusDaq je EnterpriseDaq yin Whoopi (Whoopi exists in the nexus and in the 
Enterprise) (I'd like to say "at the same time", but there seems to be no 
adverbial for this... could you suggest me a way to say it?)

Put the {je} *after* the nouns it joins!  {"Nexus"-Daq 'entepray'Daq je}.

There is no direct way to say this.  You must recast your sentence.

"Nexus"-Daq ghaHtaHvIS "Guinan"-'e', 'entepray'Daq ghaHtaH je.
While Guinan is in the Nexus, she is also aboard the Enterprise.

> 'ach reH yintaH Kirk! (so Kirk will live forever!) (I guess this is a bit 
tricky to me... Have > I done well?)

Well, you have to remember to capitalize all of your {I}s, and "so" is {vaj}, 
but otherwise this is fine!

chaq DaH yIntaH "Kirk", 'ach Heghbejpu' je.  HeghDaj legh pIqarD HoD.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96961.4

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