tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 13:30:03 1996

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Re: Dr. Okarnd Speaks -- lengthy


>Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 12:28:04 -0800
>From: "Kenneth Traft" <[email protected]>
>*****   Dr. Okrand's response  ********
>(1) You suggested translating "Do you think it's possible
>for a Klingon to feel love for a Ferengi?" as:
>verenganvaD bang HotmeH tlhIngan qIt 'e' DaQub'a'?
>First, the word HotmeH means "in order to feel," (Hot
>"feel," -meH "in order to"), but Hot means "feel, touch,"
>not "feel emotions."

Good; I've long suspected the same and said so on this forum.  It seems
that when Okrand defines words with more than one definition (in the same
entry), he tends to mean the definitions to explain one another, not to add
to one another.  So "Hot"="touch, feel" uses "touch" to *modify* "feel"
(and vice-versa) and not simply that "it's touch, in all its English
meanings.  It's also feel, in all its English meanings."

>Second, the word bang is indeed a noun meaning "love," but
>it refers to the object of one's affection, that is,
>"beloved one."  (In Star Trek III, Kruge refers to Valkris
>as bangwI' "my love" in this sense.)

Ditto here, and something that really has been discussed quite a bit.  Very
nice to see it explicitly spelled out.

>So we need another way to say "feel love" for your
>sentence.  We do know that there is a Klingon word for
>"love," meaning something like what we mean by the word.
>It is parmaq. We heard this word for the first time in a
>recent episode of Deep Space Nine where Dax says that
>parmaq is "the Klingon word for 'love,' but with more
>aggressive overtones."  She accuses Worf of having a "bad
>case" of parmaq, which suggests it's a noun. 

Hee... NOW it's canon.

>jar DamaSqu'bogh yIngu' 

My heart swells with joy and pride for charghwI'.


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