tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 12:21:20 1996

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Re: Old Translations


>Date: Sat, 14 Dec 1996 17:47:31 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>December 14, 1996 3:11 PM, jatlh Perry Brulotte:
>> K:  Do' mamej.
>> E:  Luckily we left.
>Umm, well, yes.  I'm wondering if it means "It was fortunate that it left," or 
>"We left in a lucky manner."

I was thinking that an aspect suffix might actually make sense here: "Do'
mamejpu'".  Why?  I'm making some assumptions.  "The ship blew up, but
luckily we left before that." or some similar situation is going on.  In
which case, generally you mean that at the time under discussion you
already had left.

>> K:  DubwIj DatI'a'?
>> E:  Can you fick my back?

Typo: for "fick" read "fix."

>> K:  juDev vIneHchugh, juDevlaHbe'.
>> E:  You couldn't lead us if you wanted to.
>Hmmm . . . you should be able to read this as "If you want to lead us, you 
>cannot lead us."  Does this mean the same thing to you?

But it says "If I wanted you to lead us, you couldn't lead us."  Huh?

>> K:  HIDIngQo'!
>> E:  Don't spin me!

Modulo the ever-present transitivity question with "DIng" (unless we have
canon for it?  I doubt it)


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