tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 15 09:37:13 1996

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Re: baH! (was RE: Old Translations)

I think it is helpful to give page numbers when possible to help 
others confirm for their own records the citations:

On Sat, 14 Dec 1996 19:03:16 -0800 Voragh 
<[email protected]> wrote:
> In fact, baH "fire (torpedo, rocket, missile)" actually implies an object
> (usually torpedoes) when not explicitly stated:
> 	baHchu'  (TKD)
> 	 He fired (the torpedo) perfectly.
page 40

> 	yIbaH  (TKD)
> 	 Fire (the torpedoes)!
page 72

> 	qara'DI' cha yIbaH = cha yIbaH qara'DI'  (TKD)
> 	 Fire the torpedoes at my command.
page 62. Note that the only object we are shown so far is 
"torpedoes" whether explicitly stated or not.

> 	Qo'noS wa'Daq baHta' ...  (ST6)
> 	 "[Enterprise] fired on Kronos One ..."

There is no good specific notation for this, since there is no 
randomly accessible index to leap to that moment in the film.
> Another word you can use is bach (which also takes an object), when you
> don't want to imply firing some sort of propelled rocket:
> 	pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach  (TKW)
> 	 Curse well! (lit. "Shoot curses forcefully.")
page 148.
> Hmmm... I wonder how one says "Fire phasers/disruptors!" Since they're
> energy weapons, are they activated (chu'), energized (laQ), shot (bach) or
> fired (baH)?

Good question. I'm working on my ability to more quickly address 
things like this.

I've come to realize that putting too many citations in my Pilot 
word list makes for too many false hits when I search for an 
English word, so I'm paring down that list to include only 
definitions and unquoted citations, and I've reapplied myself to 
the task of building an Access database to include all the 
citations, quotes and notes about useage for each word.

Of course, this is an insane project, but that never stopped me 
before. I have decided to (for now) stop updating the Word 
document people at qep'a' cha'DIch came to know so well, so now 
I just update the Pilot, the online word list (I just put up an 
update to the FTP site today, awaiting ~mark to transfer it) and 
the Access database. Each is tuned to a function.

I need to sweep through these three to coordinate them (I'm 
only up to {ch-} so far), then start sweeping through canon 
again to enter EVERY citation instead of just the first instance 
of a particular trait for verbs and significant episodes of 
nouns (like HochHom) and certain suffixes (like if a {-mo'} 
verb ever follows a main verb -- something I don't want to find).

A lexicographer's work is never done. If anyone would like to 
offer any assistance in citing canon, I'm open. I really 
appreciate what voragh has already done for ST5 and intend to 
fold that into the database as soon as I can, especially since I 
have not yet managed to rent the movie again...
> Voragh


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