tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 10 16:16:36 1996

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RE: KLBC: jInIDqa'

December 10, 1996 11:04 AM, jatlh Philippe Lavallee:

> chay' DaHjaj SoD 'IwlI'
> (How floods your blood, today?)

Blood is not capable of using language (yes, really), so you cannot use the 
{-lI'} suffix.  You must use {lIj}.

This sounds AWFULLY like an English greeting, and a very rhetorical one at 
that.  Unless you're actually asking me in what manner my blood is flowing (I 
think, taDI'oS . . .), you'd better not say it!  You might make a Klingon 

> K: Heghmaj wIlopmeH tlhutlh vaS
> (Hall for drinking in order to celebrate our death)
> E: Drinking Hall
> (As the central room of a House, much like the Mead-Hall of medieval
> scandinavians)

Actually, you've said "In order that we celebrate our death, the hall drinks."

In a simple translation, "drinking hall" would be {tlhutlhmeH vaS}.  However, 
if you want to get across the idea you've got in parenthesis, I'd say 
something like {tlhutlhmeH 'ej Heghmaj lopmeH vaS} "Hall for drinking and 
celebrating our death."

> K: naDev Qong SuvwI'pu' pa'
> (Room where warriors sleep hereabouts)
> E: Sleeping quarters
> (not private, more as a dorm)

No, your Klingon means "Warriors' rooms sleep here."  Is there any reason that 
you cannot use {pa'} by itself?  I doubt that many Klingons have private 
quarters anyway . . .

Get this idea across in context.  Describe the Klingons sprawled out on the 
floor, sleeping.  Don't try to make up a name for this situation.

> K: batlh HeghmeH qeq pa'
> (Room for training in order to die honorably)
> E: Training arena
> (more or less akin to a gym, but essencially combat oriented)

Again, lose the baggage in the words, and describe the room in the course of 
whatever it is you're saying.  You can just call it {qeqmeH pa'} "(military) 
training room," and when someone enters it, you can add {batlh HeghmeH, naDev 
qeqtaH SuvwI'pu'.}  "Warriors train here so they can die honorably."

> K: jaghpu' mevwI'
> (Thing which stops enemies)
> E: Battlements
> (much like the outer wall of an Irish hillfort)

{jaghpu' mevwI'} could mean anything: soldiers, a fence, bad weather, etc.

Talking about battlements may be a bit difficult in Klingon; there aren't any 
architectural terms included in TKD.  Depending on the rest of your 
conversation/story/whatever (what is it you're going to do with these, anyway? 
 A role-playing game?), you might consider working from {HubtaHbogh qach Dung} 
"the protective top of the building" and construct (heh) something from there.

> P.S. I'm still at a loss for "Inner Ward" and "Antechamber"...

'elmeH pa' ?

> nejwI'

ponglIj 'oH <nejwI'>'e', qar'a'?

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96944.5

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