tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 07 13:47:19 1996

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Re: <<yIngachuqegh>>

T::>> That said, I have a question for the list at large - does
 ::>> <<yIngachuqegh>> mean what I think it means, and is it as
 ::>> insulting in Klingon as what I think it means is in English?
 ::>> And no, I'm not using it to anyone here - someone used it to me
 ::>> today, and I want to make sure I understand it properly before
 ::>> I go back and lay him out good.

T::>I can't tell... it looks like "yInga'chuq'egh" which is a cross between
 ::>"mate with yourself" and "mate with each other" because it has two type-1
 ::>verb suffixes, which isn't legal.

 Hmmm... It's entirely possible that this is it; I perhaps
 didn't hear (or he didn't pronounce) the glottal stops.

 Based on the Consolidated Word List (TKD2+the New Klingon Words
 Web page), there's apparently no verb <<*nga'>> (implied
 meaning "mate with") - just <<nga'chuq>>, "perform sex" with
 that funny notation of all parties involved being the subject -
 which _does_ look like <<*nga'>> plus the type 1 suffix
 <<-chuq>> - but are we sure that this is what it is?  And if
 so, what's the source?  So, I tentatively interpreted it as
 "go **** yourself". Apparently, I was close, and the meaning
 _does_ fit the context. So, I guess I'm going to have to go lay
 him out good, since I can't see a Klingon taking that as a

Jeff Zeitlin                                      [email protected]
 � OLXWin 1.00b � When I Bite Into A York Peppermint Patty, <BLEARGH!>

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