tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 20:51:34 1996

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Re: Rules... Transitive vs Intransitive

jatlh -HurghwI':

>>Not being a grammarian maybe I'm missing the point, but are we using too
>>many rules that don't or shouldn't be there. Are we using English rules.
>>Does it even make a difference. No I'm not being a smarta**. I am serious
>>when I say that I didn't see it in the TKD and don't see the problem. Can't
>>a verb be used either way if the context is clear enough to justify it.
>It does make a difference because some words don't make any sense when used
>the wrong way.

oops... I agree that some words don't make any sense when used the wrong
way. My point was that (forgetting transitive and intransitive) if it does
make sense then I don't see any thing wrong or it being referenced in TKD.

Here is an example of what I mean.

This all started for me when SuStel said:
>vay''e' muvmoHbogh ghob chevlaHbe' Hegh.
>Literally, it's "Death is not able to separate something which virtue causes 
>to join."  I'm not sure if {muv} is transitive or not.  For a substitute, you 
>might try
>vay'e' tay'moHbogh ghob chevlaHbe' Hegh.

Again, not being a smarta**, whether not {muv} is transitive or not means
little if it DOES make sense. May it does being a grammarian but I don't
want to add rules that don't exist. If that the way things really work like
I said I'll live with it, maybe I'm being too simple but I do like
simplicity after all.

Sustel please add your comments......

Thank you,
la' Hegh tel yo'

yIn oH' De'wI' rop'e' net qelnIS.
'ach Human ghob Duj je Dellaw' ngoDvam.
Qaw'taH neH yIn wIchenmoHta'bogh.
nurur yIn wIchenmoHta'bogh.
"Stephen Hawking" tej tera' DIS wa' Hut Hut loS

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