tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:04:39 1996

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RE: KLBC. First attempt

jabbI'IDghomvaD bIjeSchoHta' 'e' DanIDmo', jIQuch.

Try sending your sentences as one per line along with an English translation, 
until you feel more confident.

December 03, 1996 7:43 PM, jatlh Ko'var:

>   DaH pojlIjvaD Dochvam vImuch.

It's grammatical, but surely you can find a more descriptive term than {Doch}? 

>  jav jarmey poH tlhIngan Hol vIHaD vItagh.

I suppose you mean to say "Six months ago I began studying Klingon."  Well, 
since there are words for "days ago" and "years ago," but not "months ago," 
you may either calculate how many days ago six months was, or you may recast 
your sentence:

qaStaHvIS jav tera' jar tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH.
I have been studying Klingon for six Earth months.

I say {tera' jar} because {jar} means a Klingon month, not an Earth month.  
Also, the copyright notice on a few SkyBox cards says {tera' DIS}.

>  loq jIpo' 'ach jIqeqnIS.

Capital {Q} on {loQ}.

> bIja'chuqlaHchu' vIHo'.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.  I suspect it is "I admire that 
you can confer with each other perfectly."  There are two problems here.  
First, you need to use the plural "you" prefix, {Su-}.  Secondly, this is 
really a sentence-as-object problem:

Suja'chuqlaHchu' 'e' vIHo'.

Broken down, this sentence is made up of {Suja'chuqlaHchu'} "You (plural) can 
converse perfectly," and {'e' vIHo'} "I admire that."

Unless you are talking to me alone?  In this case, you cannot use the {Su-} 
prefix.  If this is true, then you probably can't say *{bIja'chuq}.  It's the 
whole big "is it a seperate word" problem.  I'd just use a different word, to 
avoid problems:

bIjatlhlaHchu' 'e' vIHo'.

>  jIqeqlI'chugh 'ej
> jIHaDlI'chugh vaj qaja'chuqlaHchu'.

You probably cannot say {qaja'chuqlaHchu'}.  Even assuming that {ja'chuq} is a 
seperate verb with its own meaning (which I will not advocate here), you 
cannot say "I can perfectly confer you (singular)."  Here's how I would change 

vaj tlhIHvaD jIjatlhlaHchu' je jIH.
Then *I* will also be able to speak fluently with you.

{-vaD} is terribly useful when using "talking" verbs.

Again, if you're only talking to me, then this would be

vaj SoHvaD jIjatlhlaHchu' je jIH.

>  pojlIj vIloS. tugh *mush*Daq qaleghqa'.
>  Qapla' !!


choja' <*MUSH*vaD QujwI' vISovlaw'>.  QujwI'Heyvam DarI'pu''a'?

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.3

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