tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 31 20:03:53 1996

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Re: KLBC - help on a few phrases

At 06:59 PM 8/26/96 -0700, Chet Braun wrote:
>Putting together a manuscript and I'd like a check on a few phrases.
>(Actually I've got more than a few but I figured I shouldn't inundate the list
>with them.)

So send 'em in bits and pieces. {{:)

>The Hung Family and Pacific Warriors, Inc. continually improve the martial
>TonSaw' qa' DubtaH Hung qorDu''a' [Pacific Warriors, Inc.] je

First of all, the "t" in <tonSaw'> is not capitalized.  I would also put
"Hung" in quotes or []'s or something as well, to indicate that it is the
name of the House, and not the Klingon noun <Hung>, meaning "security".

Not being very familiar with the Martial Arts and what exactly is meant by
"marial spirit", I can't comment if <tonSaw' qa'> is a good translation for
this phrase or not.  Otherwise, your sentence is grammatically correct.

>Talk is easy, achievement is difficult.
>nap QIch 'ach Qatlh chav

We do have a verb "to be easy", <ngeD>.  I like how you re-cast "talk" to
"speech".  majQa'!

>Practice 10,000 times.
>netlhlogh yIqeq

or <peqeq>, if you are adressing more than one person.

>free fall martial arts
>pagh tlham tonSaw'

I'm sorry... I don't even know what "free fall martial arts" are, so I can't
even begin to comment on this.  The only thing I can do is tell you that the
literal translation of this phrase is:

        "Klingon fighting system of zero/none gravity"

>Only in space can you fall off the floor.
>ravvo' bIpum'eghlaHmeH loghDaq SoHnIStaH

I'm not sure I like this at all.

I'm not entirely sure I know what this expression is supposed to mean.  It
almost sounds idomatic, but I would have to hear it in context.  Unless
someone more knowledgable than I wants to comment on this, I will just
address the grammar issues.

How does one "fall yourself"?  That doesn't make sense.  It might make more
sense if you drop the -'egh, and just say "in order that you are able to
fall from the floor".  That would convey your meaning a bit better.  Also, I
REALLY hate seeing a pronoun with verb suffixes attached to mean "to be"
without a noun with -'e' after it!  Why not use the verb "to be present", <SaH>?

        ravvo' bIpumlaHmeH, loghDaq bISaHnIStaH

I would like it even better if you could do this with a -taHvIS
construction, but I don't think you can use <neH> that way...

        ?loghDaq bISaHtaHvIS, ravvo' bIpumlaH neH?

In fact, I'm pretty sure you can't... any of the re-cast experts have a
better way to put this?

>Thanks in advance,




HoD trI'Qal, tlhIngan wo' Duj lIy So' ra'wI'
Captain T'rkal, Commander IKV Hidden Comet
Klingon speaker and net junkie!
HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH... qatlh HaghtaH Qanqor HoD???
monlI'bogh tlhInganbe' yIvoqQo'!  SoHvaD monlI' trI'Qal...

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