tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 30 09:08:37 1996

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KLBC: Klingon poem

At 03:51 AM 29/8/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi, I am a Klingon 'newbie'
>but saw this poem.

>>A farmer stands in  his field.  He carries his betleH in his hand.  He
>>sees his grain.  He takes his betleH and he cuts his grain. A warrior
>>approaches him.  "You clearly can't fight.  Your betleH merely cuts
>>grain", says the warrior.  The farmer doesn't answer.  He cuts his grain.
>>The warrior laughs.  "You couldn't defeat a Ferengi", says the warrior.
>>Suddenly the farmer attacks the warrior.  They fight quickly.  Soon the
>>warrior is dead.  The farmer cuts his grain.
>what would it mean to a klingon?

You have stupid warriors and vermin, this was vermin. A true warrior can
find honor in anything that is honorable! The warrior obviously hadden know
anything about Kahless, or honor.

>what would it teach a child/learning klingon?

"Act and you shall have dinner; think, and you will be dinner!" 

>and how would he react?

Who? The dead warrior, not very happy to see the Fek'lahr. I'm sure!

yotlhDaq Qam Du'wI'
ghopDaq betleHDaj qeng
tIrDaj legh
tIrDaj pe' betleHDaj
Du'wI' ghoSchoH SuvwI'
"tIr pe'lI' betleHlI'"
bIjatlh SuvwI'
bIjatlhbe' Du'wI'
tIrDaj pe' Du'wI'
bIHagh SuvwI'
"veren Dajeybe'"
bIjatlhqa' SuvwI'
SuvwI' HIv Du'wI'
Hegh bIH SuvwI'
tIrDaj pe' Du'wI

I think it's clear, what do you think?



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