tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 14 07:56:49 1996

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Re: Hello.


>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 09:30:33 -0700
>From: McReynolds <[email protected]>

>I've been a lurker on this list for a month or so.  I bought the ORIGINAL 
>(blue, embossed BoP) Klingon Dictionary way back in 1986, but it was just 
>a novelty item; I didn't really even look inside until a few months ago. 
> However, I think now is the time to see if I even have a rough 
>understanding of how this works.

Cool!  I got in a little later; my first TKD has the blue cover, but glossy
and not embossed.  You should probably consider picking up a new one, since
it has the Addendum... er, added (that's redundant, eh?).

>ghojwI' jIH.  QaghmeywIj botu' vIneH 'ej tuja'.  muQaH.

"I am a student/learner.  I want you(pl) to find my errors and you(pl) tell
me.  It helps me."

Very good; your grammar is fine.  The only thing I question is "tuja'",
since it sounds to me more like you wanted a command (HIja'/tell me!  Yes I
know it happens to be identical with "yes") and not a simple statement.

>Even if this isn't entirely accurate, I hope you will be able to 
>understand enough to give me some feedback.  Thanks!

I understood it just fine.


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