tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 11 01:07:24 1996

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 628

>What is QI'Hom here?  Militia sergeant?  I didn't read the book.

majQa'! "Militia sergeant" vImughta' 'e' vIHechbej. bIyajchu'.

>  I have wanted a verb for "to experience" for a long time...

HIja'. mu' law' ghajbe' tlhIngan Hol. *Adverbs* law' vIneH je!

>(thoughI'm sort of partial to using "SIQ" for it.  It sounds so nice and
>>Klingon.But it is often stretching the meaning).

qechlIj vIparHa'. chaq vIlo'.

>>   <may'mey' law' tu'lu' 'ej tul laghajbe'bogh Qu'mey' law' tu'lu'. yay
>I presume you meant "lughajbe'bogh"; trouble is that "tul" is a verb, not a
>noun.  Translating "hopeless"... my, that's a tricky one.  I don't think I
>have a nice answer at this time.

Hmmm...ghIH <tullaHbe'bogh>...<QaplaHbe'bogh Qu'mey>?...chaq <Qu'mey
QaHlaHbe'bogh pagh>...(DaH Qagh pabwIj 'e' vIQub :))...chaq <ngoQ qItHa'
lughajbogh Qu'mey>...?

>>   Dachov 'e' DanID 'e' yav QaQDaq bISuvmeH bIyIn.>
>"chov" or "chav"?  Should the second "'e'" be "'ej"?  If not, I'm

Ack! jIQagh, 'ej jIQagh 'e' vISov, 'ej mu'tlheghwIj vItI'be'! vIghItlh 'e'
vIHech:  Dachav 'e' DanID 'ej yav QaQDaq bISuvmeH bIyIn.

>>   SiskovaD jatlh Kira:
>>   <qaH, naDev chaH jISamlaHbogh Hoch puqpu''e'. jIH...Jake vISamlaHbe'.>
>The children are the *object* of "Sam"; they're the children which I could
>find.  I found them, they are the things found.  It has to be "Hoch
>puqpu''e' vISamlaHbogh."


>>   jatlh Sisko:
>>   <potlhbe', Major. tengchaHvam wIloDlaHbe', 'ej Huv Qu'wIj.
>"loD" is a noun, not a verb.  Are you trying to use it in the sense of "man
>a station"?  That's a very English-specific idiomatic usage.  Even allowing
>you to invent a verb from the noun, I wouldn't really assume it would have
>that meaning.  "Dan" perhaps?  I seem to think there's a better word, but
>it's not coming to me.

HIvqa' veqlargh!!! <toD> vIghItlh 'e' vIHech. DaH bIyaj'a'?

>>   jang Sisko:
>>   <Bajorvo'? nuq lungeH, Major Kira? 'ejDo' lungeH'a'? Deep Space Nine
>>   wIcharghqa'meH mungeHlaH'a' Bajor?>
>The last sentence confuses me: Can Bajor send me in order that we reconquer
>DS9?  Um, they don't have to send you, you're already there, aren't you?  I
>think you're missing something here.

bIlughqa', 'ej jIghIHchoH. vIghItlh 'e' vIHech: Deep Space Nine
wIcharghqa'meH 'ejDo' mungeHlaH'a' Bajor?



toH! bIlugh, 'ej bIlughqa', 'ej bIlughqa'.....'ej DaH jIlugh! ;)

>All in all, an excellent translation.  I could read it without trouble
>(aside from occasional vocabulary lookups), the grammar was simple and
>clear, etc.  very nice!

chojangmo' jIbelqu'. chonaDDI' jIquv. tugh jImughqa'!


p.s. potlh vIcha'nIS.

ghItlh SaraH:

>On a side note, do you think that a Klingon would say <jIH...Jake
>vISamlaHbe'.>? English, she is starting to say it, and then pausing, then
>starting over.  Maybe a Klingon would do the same by saying <Jake....Jake
>vISamlaHbe'> and repeating the first word twice.

val qechvam 'ej vIparHa'!



Happiness is the indication that man has found the answer to the problem of
human existence:the productive realization of his potentialities and thus,
simultaneously, being one with the world and preserving the integrity of
his self.  Erich Fromm  "Man For Himself"

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