tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 08 12:20:20 1996

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Re: KSRP: Klingon Animals

>Here's the problem:  With respect
>to Klingon animals (such as they are), which do you belive would make a
>better witch's familiar, a 'er or a Qa'?  Or do you have a third
>suggestion?  Let me know what your reaction to this is, both what animal
>you recommend and the rationale for it.  Thanks, Lawrence

I don't think there's any canon to describe what either of these are.  
How about {Qogh}?  In PK it is apparently a pet of some kind, and a 
fierce one at that.  The only domestic animals that I know of are 'er, 
Qogh, and targh.  I don't know what an 'er is, and targhmey are 
overused, so my vote would go towards Qogh.

 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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