tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 08 03:25:36 1996

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Re: Something fun

To start with, you should note that "Klinzhai" is not a canon word;
as far as we know, the people are {tlhIngan}, the language is {tlhIngan Hol},
and the planet is {Qo'noS}.

Anyway, ignoring the recent debate over the subtle meanings of the "I am" part 
of the original quotation and whether or not {jIH} conveys them adequately,
try one of these:

vIje'qu'taH vaj jIH!	


vIje'qu'taHmo' jIH!

The {je'qu'taH} means "buy intensely continuously", which is about as
close as I can get to "splurge".   Call that construct "X" so I don't
have to type all that again :-), then the former is literally "I X,
thus I am"; the second is "Because I X, I am".   


"Clay P. Evans" <[email protected]> writes:
\ I'm doing a poster for an art show - a Klinzhai version of the comic 
\ strip "Cathy".
\ My question is: How would "I splurge, therefore I am" translate?
\ "Look - if I'd have wanted a lecture on the rights of man I'd have gone 
\ to bed with Martin Luther." --- Edmund Blackadder, Blackadder 2: "Money"

Mark J. Reed                     |             
Email: [email protected]	         |  HP Internet/System Security Lab
Voice: +1 404 648 9535           |      2957 Clairmont Rd Suite 220
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