tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 07 10:12:27 1996

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Re: KLBC: Trouble with {-moH} again... was Re: pong duj (again)

>Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 09:26:07 -0700
>From: [email protected]

>At 01:01 PM 6/8/96 -0700, ~mark wrote:

><...snipped, explaination...>


>>As to the *content*, that too puzzles me.  Why does the name {pagh}
>>(meaning "zero" or "nothing" in Klingon) make you think it means
>>"paraphernalia"?  Or that the ship is paraphernalia?  I suppose in a sense
>>it is, since ships are equipment... I'm sort of lost here.

>I actually ment that it's ST:paraphernalia. Their is no real reason for it
>being their, besides from the obvious "Grab the TKD and stick a Klingon word
>in there." writers ideas. (I'd go into the "It doesn't even mean anything in
>the context of the program" routine, but I'm here to discuss tlhIngan Hol,
>not ST.)

Aha, gotcha.  "Paraphernalia" just doesn't carry enough meaning; you need
to explain it as you did.  But once you've explained it, yes, I quite fully
agree with what you say!


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