tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 05 12:22:32 1996

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Poor Poor BGs

I just saw the mammoth number of posts that Seqram has made.  I know that
all the BG's in fact, have complained of being burnt out, or overworked. At
least all the ones at the qep'a'.

Poor, poor BG's.  Why not split up the work?   Because one BG might step on
another BG's toes, and the poor ghojmoHwI' would be flooded in conflicting
advice.  If only there was a way to split the messages up so that different
BGs would know who would which ones.... hmmm...

Here's a proposal:

Each KLBC or beginner's message has an hour and minute in the Date: field.
Heck, every message has an hour and minute in the date field.  Divide the
posts up by the last digit in the minute field.

If there are two BG's, one takes the ones ending in an odd number, one
takes the ones ending in an even number.

If there are three BG's, one takes 1-3, another 4-6, and the last 7-0.

If there are four BG's... well, you get the point.

Maybe this would encourage people to be BG's, if they felt they were not
responsible for answering 50 posts a day.  It might keep them from burning
out so quickly too.

Once a post is answered by one BG, it stays "his" or "hers" until the
thread dies.  So there still will be plenty of work for each BG, but
nowhere near the load currently kept.

What do people think?  Are there folk who would be willing to help BG if it
meant only doing a few posts a day, who wouldn't do it at the level it is
now?  Would it help increase the quality of the posts that there are?  Are
there any major flaws in this suggestion?

This would require a little more coordination by the list folk... Seqram,
Duffy, Lawrence, ro... etc. etc.  But perhaps if there was interest in
organizing it, it might keep things on a more even keel.

Just thinkin'.


(I can hear the targeting systems now... ready... aim....)

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