tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 04 19:29:03 1996

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Subject: Re: Planetarium Exhibit

qaSDI' 96-08-04 00:40:43 EDT, jatlh dave yeung:

>("Picard quS'a'Daq  jIba'" DajatlhnIS.) 

HIvqa' veqlargh!  Qu'vatlh.

>qabqu'mo' bey', Do'Ha'.  'ach *Picard* quSna' bIba''a'?  "Star Trek"  
>wIbejtaHvIS, wIlegh quSvam'e'?  Doj wanI'!  bIDo'!

jISovbe'.  chaq "replica" 'oH.  Actually I think they use several chairs 
in the show, and it may have been one of them (I doubt they'd let people 
sit on the regular one).  But I'll tell you it was a DAMN comfortable 
chair! {{:-)  O, in Hol: tunqu' quSvam 'ej jIba' 'e' vItIv jay'!!!  They 
also had the actual transporter there, which I wasn't allowed to touch.  
jolpa'na' tu'lu', 'ach vIHot net luchaw'be'lu'.  'ach jol SeHlawDaq 
tlhaQqu' mu'mey lughItlhlu'bogh.  I saw the words on the transporter 
control panel from up close, they were hilarious: they said things like 
Porky Pig, Rick Berman, etc.  (Sorry about the mixed up Klingon and 
English and whatever mistakes... I am being distracted by the Olympic 
closing ceremonies :) ).

>  'ach betleH Daqtagh  je leghpu' ghot law'.  qep'a'Daq bIH vIlegh.  
>le''a' nuHmey?  "Star Trek"vaD lulo'lu''a'? 

HIja'.  wo'rIv nuHmey bIH.  "Exhibit"Daq wo'rIv nuH bey' tu'lu', 'ach 
ngaSchu' botjanqoq (class case).  (There were also weapons from the 
movies, including the upcoming, but they too were botjan'd.)  vaj, le'qu' 
nuHmeyvam.  Do'Ha' nuHmeyvam vIghoSlaHbe', vIleghchu' vIneH!

> SuStel

 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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