tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 02 09:36:13 1996

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Re: third rope


>Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 07:44:49 -0700
>From: "Donald E. Vick" <[email protected]>

>> \ I purchased one of Krankor's tapes, and my goal is to be able to sing the
>> \ {tlhegh wejDIch} from memory by next qep'a'!
>> The "third rope"?
>Yes, believe it or not, the issue of HolQeD where <taHjaj wo'> appears actually
>does label the stanzas <tlegh wa'DIch, tlegh cha'DIch, tlhegh wejDIch>.  Perhaps
>from the canonical <mu'tlhegh> - sentence.

Oh no, Krankor does things for reasons (including the grammatical error in
taHjaj wo' [not the -ghach's on bare verbs; that wasn't known at at the
time].  There is an actual ungrammatical sentence in it, and he put it
there on purpose.)  The tlheghmey are not stanzas or verses; it's not sung
verse by verse.  They are three *simultaneous* lines of melody that act as
counterpoint to one another.  It sort of has to be heard to be believed.  I
hope to put a MIDI file of taHjaj wo' (and PostScript sheet music) on the
FTP site soon; I have the MIDI already.  So he chose to call them "lines",
not sections or parts.


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