tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 02 05:56:10 1996

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taHjaj wo'

Is it possible to get the music for <taHjaj wo'>, or maybe even a recording of
it?  I have the words, but I can't sing it without music.

On another topic, is there a word for "canon"? If so, somebody just tell me what
it is, and don't even read the rest of this post.  If not . . .

     The original base meaning of the word seems to have been "rod" and our
word "cane" is derived from the same roots.  It came to mean "standard of
measure" and then "rule, law".  When the Council of Nicea produced a "rule"
stating which of the early church writings were considered to be inspired, the
word gained the additional meaning of "list".  Any of these roots could be used
but I think that the third is most appropriate.

     I would like to suggest <Holchut> as a candidate.  The <Hol-> is not in
the tera'ngan Hol word by any means, but it would is certainly justified in
translation since we use the word almost exclusively in reference to literature
on tlhIngan Hol.  The canon is as important to our discussions as the Bible is
to a theological group, and I think a Hol word for it is definitely a Good
Thing.  <chut> means law, but <Holchut> is a proper noun, referring specifically
to that body of literature we call "canon".

taDI'oS vIq, law'wI'vaD Holtej jIH

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