tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 01 11:23:54 1996

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Re: Klingon CD


>Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 11:52:12 -0700
>From: Will Martin <[email protected]>

>I just want to note that the Klingon CD has a LOT more 
>stuff on it that I originally took it to have. I saw the 
>words in the Language Lab and felt like, "Okay, this is 
>worth the money." I added them to my Annotated Klingon 
>Dictionary. Then I found the "More" button. Okay. Go back 
>and add more stuff to the dictionary.

>Then I discovered the "Point And Explain" mode to the 
>adventure. Those guys didn't sleep.

Indeed... I found out the significance of the "water jug" that it needed
translating (based on some custom that if a warrior returns home thirsty
from conquest, drink shouldn't be far out of reach.  Note the nice
contradiction with TKW's comments that Klingons look down the ridgy noses
at drinking water.  I like that contradiction, since after all, it's a rare
culture whose customs don't at least appear to be in conflict from time to
time.)  I also found that in at least two or three places, whoever it was
who was doing the speech for those explanation (didn't sound quite like
Majel Barret) did some fantastic Klingon pronunction.  I think I remember
hearing a *solid* "tlh".

>Also, did anyone else notice the pun in the name for the 
>lengthy poem to honor the aging soldier? gha'tlhIq.

Color me confused; brain must be on slow-burn today.


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