tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 29 10:16:31 1996

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tlhIngan tIgh: paq chu', mu'mey chu' ... majQa'!

tlhIngan paq "The Klingon Way" vIje' rIntaH. povqu' paqvam. mu'mey 
vIttlheghmey je chu' law' ngaS.

vIttlheghmey lo'bogh, tlhIngan qa' 'ang DevmeH paqvam'e'. tlhInganpu' 
puq poHmey Hoch van "The Klingon Way," 'ej tlhInganpu'vaD tlho' Marc 
Okrand 'angchu'.

SoHvaD Dalchugh tlhInganpu' vaj paqvam vIchupbe'; 'ach Hol DaHaDchugh 
qoj tlhInganpu' tlho'wI' SoHchugh neH vaj 'utchu' paqvam. lI'choHmeH lo' 
poQ Hoch, 'ej tlhIngan Hol lo'mo' tlhIngan mu'ghom tlhejchu' "The Klingon Way."

Marc Okrand vIvanqa'! reH pIn'a' taHjaj!

"I am Chaos. I am the substance from which your artists and scientists build rhythms.
I am the spirit in which your children and clowns laugh in happy anarchy. I am Chaos.
I am alive, and I tell you that you are free." - The Goddess Eris, Principia Discordia.

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