tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 15 21:06:49 1996

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Laurel Beckley writes:
>...I'm still working on borrowing a book.  My latest idea is:
>paqvetlh Daghajbogh vIngIp.   I borrow the book which you have.
>It was suggested that I use bogh,  so I've tried to do so.  Is this correct?

You have correctly used {-bogh}.  Your use of {-vetlh} is a bit strange,
since there is no previous reference to a book, but the sentence is
grammatically okay.  To translate what you said in english, I would have
left off the {-vetlh}.

>I also have come up with another sentence.
>yuch vItlhutlh    I drink chocolate.

Looks good to me (both the grammar and the idea -- I like cocoa too).

>Well, I like to have some cocoa while I study tlhingan Hol. :)

tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaHvIS, pIj De'wI'wIjDaq jIH, vaj jItlhutlhQo'.
DuDchu'be' De'wI' taS je.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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