tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 13 08:43:43 1996

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Re: surak Digest

>> : And I don't either, sadly for your axiom, reality is seldom consistent, if 
>> Hm, unless you're on LSD or suffering from some multiple
>> personlities syndrome you should find that your reality is more
>> often consistent than not. 
>  It's true, one or two doses of LSD will utterly cure Objectivism.  
>Not by any sort of proof that the universe is or is not objectively 
>real, but by forcibly demonstrating how tenuous the connection 
>through our senses that connects our consciousness to any sort of 
>hypothetical external reality really is.
>  Just as exposure to a second language is a tremendous help in 
>developing the ability to think and talk *about* language, a slight 
>step outside "single vision and Newton's sleep" seems to make it much 
>easier to distinguish between our mental models of reality, our sense 
>data, and any actual reality that might be out there somewhere.  

I'd like to disagree, there is nothing forcefull, you want to take it, you 
know the possible effect, it reaches the mindes antipods and shows them true 
reality, this same effect can be reached, the way Indains do it:
1. not eat food some days.
2. before going up the steps to the temple, drain a quart of blood from your 

Read Aldous Huxley's books "The Doors Of Perception" and "Heaven and Hell" 
or read Allan W. Watts' book "The Joyous Cosmology".(ISBN 394-70299-9).



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