tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 01 12:20:41 1996

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Re: KLBC: jIqeqnISmo'...!

According to David Wood:
> Taking all three points into consideration, the sentence becomes:
> [checking account]wIj vIcherpu'DI' HuchwIj lulanHa'pu'.

I agree with ghunchu'wI'. While this is not technically
incorrect, it sounds awkward. Instead of "When I set up my
account, they lost my money," you have said, "When I had set up
my account, they had lost my money." The point here is that
"When I set up my account" is acting as a time stamp. It is
telling you when the main action of the sentence is taking
place. Putting the perfective on this is odd. There are
appropriate times for this and this just doesn't feel like one
of them. The completion of the act of setting up the account is
not as significant as the setting up of the account.

During the moment that the account was being set up they were
losing your money. While it is true that both acts were
completed at the same time, it is also true that they both
happened at the same time, which is the real point here. The
redundant perfectives just don't feel very Klingon. {-DI'}
without {-pu'} carries this meaning quite well.

> [account] pImDaq vaghvatlh [dollar]mey wa'DIchwIj lanpu' Huch malja'!

majQa'. Well said. Except that only Type 5 noun suffixes get
moved to adjectivals and {-wIj} is not Type 5. You need
{[dollar]meywIj wa'DIch}. I also like this use of {-pu'}. It
feels much better than the redundant ones in the earlier

> Directly translated from the pidgin, it should have read "It is good that I own 
> that different account." Indirectly, it's intended to say "Good thing that 
> different account is also mine." It looks like I got the word order all tangled 
> again...

Meanwhile, "It is good," is probably idiomatic to English.
Instead, I'd use {Do' [account]vetlh vIghaj je jIH!} "Fortunately,
*I* also own that account." Stressing the subject with the
explicit pronoun places the focus on the owner to carry your
intended, "Fortunately that account is also owned by ME."

> -- David Wood, Freelance Computer Consultant


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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