tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 22 14:46:05 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 307

Garrett Michael Hayes saith that
>Conversational Klingon clearly states that the day is a 24 hour day.

Michiel.Uitdehaag replies:
>24 Klinzhai hours or Terran hours?
      Or Qo'noS hours or Kling hours or hours of whereever?

and Anttila Riku-Pekka saith:
>I think it would be quite a coincidence indeed if a day on Klingon
>Homeworld would be as long as that on Earth.
     I agree, but... I suppose we must live with the fact that the writers,
although writing science fiction, are not astronomers.  Too, one might use
the excuse that Mars' day is less than an hour longer than Earth's day,; so
the situation is not impossible.  On the other hand, I WOULD like a little
more imagination. {sigh}


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