tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 22 08:34:51 1995

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Re: transcribing (Re: coffee)

>Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 01:20:21 -0400
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]

>orthographies ever do that.  When an English or Italian word makes its way
>into Russian, Hebrew, Persian, Hindi or Japanese, its sound is modified
>according to the phonology to the host language and it is written in
>its script, following its orthographic rules, and it does make the cut.
>If _Elf_ can become _erufu_ in Japanese, it can become {'elev} in Klingon.

In a Hebrew translation of the Silmarillion I have, "Elves" *did* develop a
half-vowel, becoming "`elefim" or something (I'l have to check).  It's
tricky in Hebrew too, since while final clusters are okay, a final cluster
cannot end on "f"; the letter would have to be a "p" (and would be
incredibly marked at that; actually impossible in classical Hebrew).



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