tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Mar 30 09:45:52 1995

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I'm starting a BBS of my own, titled (orriginally!) B'ETORs BBS.
What I was wondering, is if all you Klingon speakers, would contribute to
helping me add lots of klingon language to the menus.
I'm not very good at the language myself so I can't figure out things like
Files Menu and Games Menu.
So, if someone could tell me how to say words like:
 logoff, main menu, files menu, games menu, message menu etc.
then I would be very gratefull (obviously any approximations e.g menu which
contains the file options. are also welcome...I could't translate it to
argue anyway.


Qapla' - Karl

P.S  If anyone can think of a better name, then you're welcome to suggest

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